Fiberbuilt® shall repair or replace any products that it manufactures which prove to be defective in workmanship or material within one year of the date of purchase. Except for Stance and Turf Mats, which have a limited 1- year warranty against manufacturers defects. Fiberbuilt® rubber bases have a 5 year limited warranty against defects. The foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and all other obligations or liabilities on the part of Fiberbuilt®. In no event shall Fiberbuilt® be liable for consequential damages, transportation, labor or other charges for adjustments, repairs, replacement of parts, installation or other work which may be done upon or in connection with such products by the Distributor or others.
This warranty does not apply if the item is modified, tampered with, misused, or used in any way not originally intended by the manufacturer.
The Fiberbuilt® warranty is limited and in no case shall Fiberbuilt® be liable for other direct, indirect or consequential damage from the use or handling of any product sold.
For any questions or concerns please contact us.