Instructional Videos


Fiberbuilt's Practice Station is one of the smartest teaching tools you can use. But, you might ask, "Isn't it just a mat?" The answer is that this is no ordinary mat. It integrates a host of training elements from slots to accommodate rods for alignment, ball position and swing path to grooves for hand path and holes to stand rods to help prevent swaying. It's a full-blown practice environment that can make the difference in your game, and the following video series is created to help you get the most out of it.


Video #1: Assembly


Video #2: Alignment


Video #3: Stance Width & Ball Position


Video #4: Backswing Shoulder Turn


Video #5: Shoulder Turn In Your Downswing


Video #6: Hitting a Fade


Video #7: Hitting a Draw


Video #8: Low Trajectory


Video #9: High Trajectory


Video #10: Hand Path


Video #11: Clubhead Path


Video #12: Clubhead Path


Video #13: Stop Hitting Fat and Thin


Video #14: Shallow the Club