Hear What People Are Saying About Fiberbuilt
"The ball strike is crucial to teaching, and the player can feel how that strike is on this surface, so much better than a regular mat."
Robert L, Director of Golf Instruction
Precision Golf School
"I’ve had it for over a year … I hit a couple hundred balls a day off it, and you can’t even tell that there’s any wear on it."
2013 PGA Show Tour Guest
"I’ve had one of these for 15 years, and it’s still fantastic 15 years later!"
John Schroeder
Master Fit Golf Ltd.
"It looks professional & first class …"
Dan Simpson
Minneapolis Golf Club on Fiberbuilt
"...My philosophy is why buy some crummy cheap mat that is going to wear out quickly and probably give me tendonitis from hitting off a hard surface? This is one of the best mats available. This mat gives you the ability to hit off the “fairway” grass strip, or place the ball on the mat that you stand on for a tighter lie. I can’t imagine a more quality-built mat. If you have the dough, and you want a mat that will last your lifetime, and then be able to hand it down to your grandson … this is it."
Mattie P.
Home User
"We have integrated Fiberbuilt mats with our sensor board tracking system over that time and have been testing them at a couple of our facilities. The acceptance has been very positive, in fact, one customer was here last week and told me he will never go back to our {non-Fiberbuilt} hitting mat based boards. He really likes the Fiberbuilt product."
Steve Johnson
Director of Development at TruGolf
"Being the superintendent of a daily fee 18-hole facility can be a daunting task. We are always trying to strive to provide a great golfing experience for our guests. Our course is located in southern Colorado where the fall and winter month temperatures cause our golf course grass to go dormant. During these months it is great to provide a superior practice facility with the Fiberbuilt mat systems. The split standing and practice surface provides the player with options for both synthetic grass shots and firmer traditional mat shots. Fiberbuilt was my recommended choice for our facility. The mats provide our guests a hitting surface so that both play and practice during our off months is exceptional. Fiberbuilt was also my personal choice at home."
Jimmie R.
Superintendent for Cougar Canyon Golf Links, Trinidad, CO
"We are happy to be one of your first customers. Since opening we have not considered changing our mats for the simple reason that they are durable, long-lasting, reasonably priced, and golfers of all skill levels appreciate the “grass” like feel and play of your Fiberbuilt Mats, thus allowing them to hit more balls with no risk of hand/arm injury or damage to their clubs."
Marlyn Kennedy
Manager at The Golf Dome
"Your mats are the best I have seen in all categories. My golfers love it. They wouldn’t ever consider going back to the old mats. Even my purist, low handicappers enjoy practicing from these mats. These mats have the feel of hitting off grass."
Russell G
Head Golf Professional at Windyke Country Club
"Now that I have the mats installed, and tried them out, they are by far the best mats that I have ever used anywhere around the world and I have lived and played in every continent."
Gerard van Der Gaag
High River, Alberta