Fiberbuilt Facility Spotlight: Jackson Country Club
The Facility
Jackson Country Club - Jackson, Tennessee
The Product
Fiberbuilt Grass Series Ultimate Tee Line
The Configuration
The Install Date
March 2022
The Motivation
This beautiful Tennessee club sees a whole lot of practice on its tee line (at least four days per week), so it was looking for maximum durability in a new installation. Having previously consisted of a thin roll of turf glued to the ground, their original tee line not only suffered from excessive wear, but it also took its toll on its members' wrists and elbows. To do it right, the club installed a Fiberbuilt Grass Series Ultimate Tee Line, which addressed both issues in a huge way, offering a long-lasting practice surface with the greatest levels of injury prevention. The club also liked having a mix of hitting surface options on the tee line: the Fiberbuilt Grass hitting panels (premium durability and injury prevention) as well as the Performance Turf stance mats (real fairway feel). The new Fiberbuilt tee line is delivering all they wanted and more.
The Impact
Install was easy. The mat turned out awesome. Thank you for all your help!
Michael Hutcherson
Head Professional
Jackson Country Club