Golf Hitting Mats


The ultimate in durability. The greatest performance in simulating real turf. The highest levels of injury prevention. They’re the hallmarks of Fiberbuilt Golf hitting mats, experienced at the world’s best ranges and teaching facilities, as well as in serious golfers' backyard practice areas and simulator setups. Fiberbuilt is the only manufacturer to offer three different hitting surfaces for its hitting mats, to accommodate the individual golfer's needs. No matter which series you choose, you’ll enjoy a hitting mat that provides for an unmatched golf practice experience. Whether you’re playing a fun indoor round, or you’re focused on improving your swing, our top-rated hitting mats provide a comfortable setting and deliver a true feel of the fairway. Choose from our standard sizes or create your own custom configuration. Contact us online or call 833.328.3218 for guidance on which golf hitting mats will be best for you.

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